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Written by: Elias



Famous painting is stolen right after being sold

The great painting “Cold Hearth", sold to the British Prime Minister by one of Colombia's famous galleries, was stolen this Thursday night. The piece of art was in the personal gallery of Getsemaní, the author, in Medellin. As in other occasions, it was supposed to be prepared to be delivered, because the author preferred to be the one who had his artworks ready for delivery. The robbers got inside the building after knocking out the guards and turning off all the security systems. The “Cold Hearth” is valued at almost $5000 USD. The press are waiting for the Prime Minister to take a stand about the event. Meanwhile, the police department of the city are trying to use the security cameras of the neighborhoods around the place to discover how the robbers escape. The authorities assumed that this group of criminals is a big organization that steals different kinds of art around the world.