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Written by: Mateo



Movie Cliches

A list of ten common movie cliches

Top 10 cliches

Check this movie cliches list made by our team at Magazine Yell and see if you agree with us.

  1. There is always a chosen one.

  2. People tend to be overrelaxed in horror movies and don't talk about the things that are happening to them..

  3. The Police are always eating donuts and coffee.

  4. Bad guy falls for the good girl trope.

  5. The groups in horror movies always go separated to "investigate"..

  6. There is always a funny and gentle character that is a counterpart of the main character.

  7. Blonde girl is always the dumbest and superficial of all.

  8. All fraternity parties have red cups for drinks.

  9. The engine doesn't start at first when the character needs to escape.

  10. In horror movies calling is the last option and they don't have service.